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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Review: Revlon Illuminance Creme Shadow (skinlights)

The Price: Around $6.00, usually it's easy to find revlon coupons. :]

Texture: These are the first creme shadows I've used. They feel pretty nice, very creamy(duh Flannery) . They have tons, and tons of sparkles in them. There have been time when I find sparkles on my cheeks. Not bad if I'm wearing them to a dance, but bad when you go to catholic school and you have to be careful about makeup haha.

Lasting Power: I've heard that these crease. I don't have oily lids or anything, and these have never creased for me. If you do have oily lids might just want to try one of these first and see how they work for you. They lasted for a while without a primer. The color kinda fades thorough the day, which sucks. Although these are really nice for bases.

Rating: eee1/2 I like these, but I don't love them. I would use them for bases and for going out, but that's about it. The lasting power isn't anything special. The colors are alright. It's just kinda meh. Would I try different colors? Yeah I'd say so. Would I buy this specific

palette again? Probably not.

The color to the far left (I call it pumpkin hehe) Is a pretty peachy orange.
The color next to pumpkin is like a light coral color, it's not too overpowering.
The shade next to coral is these very light, like an off white. It has lots of sparkles and reminds me of a unique wedding dress.
The one to the far right is just a brown with shimmer.